Life in Northern Atlanta. If you substitute the car for a small airplane in this pic it would hit the national news. I am glad I am flying to stay away from wrecks like this one. Aviation is so much safer. I did a nice emergency engine out (simulation) the other day (required). I picked a great spot. My flight instructor had a good laugh when I told him the engine out field strongly reminded me of landing in Greene NY. I wish I had a pic, but I was busy. Clear the trees, towers, hills, and wires and you have it made. I won't trade any of my sweaty palms (anywhere) for anything.

It is simulated by having the instructor pull the throttle back to idle while the student is doing something else and the instructor announces the engine out situation.
The checklist for the student is something like this:
1. Maximum trim up and maintain 65 knots. (also keep in mind the power might come back on unexpectedly and that requires both hands on the stick and push hard!)
2. Look for a place to land, taking into account winds, terrain, topography, distance, etc.
3. Head that way.
4. In the C172, start at the floor with the fuel selector valve, then work up the panel in a "cross" pattern (appropriate) looking for mixture, mags, and other anomalies.
6. Attempt restart.
7. If no power, land the plane as appropriate for the selected landing site. (this is where the simulation ends and the assessment is made of survivability)
8. Find clean pair of shorts!
Truely impressive stuff, aviation. It must be great to know how to fly a plane. I wouldn't know where to start, also it seems like an awfully expensive passion to me...