
Showing posts from May 25, 2003
The weather has been great for the last couple of days. It is highly appreciated. We have professor wearing a halter now!. He has bad breath we realized last night... ohh llama-breath..yuk. The picture below shows Artemis eating some dessert grasses that Susan Spear donated to the llamas. Artemis (not normally a big eater) grabed a big bunch and did a grunt to indicate his pleasure and dominion over the grass. Tioga is our big barn cat that keep the critters under control. Click pic for video
The llamas are having fun. You can see a 10 foot by 10 foot training area I made. We are making good progress. I managed to get a little llama dance on video. They bound very high sometimes when they do their impish dance. I will get a more dramatic dance at some point. Click on the pic of artemis for video.
I think I am back. I have taken a lot of photos and I will be taking more in the future so please stop back. Movie getting diploma