I am back in the US. It was a very productive trip for work. I also managed to have a good time over the weekend in Copenhagen. It is very difficult to take a bad picture in Copenhagen. On this trip, all-in-all I was in 4 countries (besides the US) in 7 days. Germany, The Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden. Palm Sunday in Copenhagen was a full day to say the least. I cruised the city like a local on a rented bike to sight see (highly recommended). I was telling my Danish friend that I tried to look like a local in Copenhagen on my bike. He replied "It isn't difficult." A great great place. Notice the bicycle lane traffic light in one of the pics, also notice folks aren't wearing helmets. I went to St. Albens church on the bike and after that I stumbled on seeing the Dalai Lama. Seeing the Dalai Lama like that was quite a treat, indeed. Yes, I took that picture, among others. That pic was just after he stepped out of the car. You might say he made first eye contact w...