
Showing posts from February 16, 2003
ASIDIC - Association of Information and Dissemination Centers Someone was asking about my old boat. Here is a picture of it.
Burningbird: Google Blogger = What? here are more photos from Douglas's and my trip to Quebec. Douglas is a real colonial. He very carefully pronounces his english words when asking for something in a store. This movie was an attempt to show the steam from the cars. It was cold. Cold Steam from cars...some cars looked like they were burning up.
Bombardier - Experience the Extraordinary Well Douglas and I had some fun up in the great white Nord. We went to two differnt Tim Hortons, The Bombardier Musee', checked out a couple of used Holder tractors, stayed in Montreal and cruised the scene. It was 12 below zero F !!!!. It went down to -33 degrees below in Potsdam. Video of Blair (superman) Morgan........