
Showing posts from April 6, 2003
Oceania -- The Atlantis Project I saw a quote in a llama book that I imediately identified with. In fact I could have written it myself. Here it is. Llamas are like big cartoon characters. WIth their huge eyes, big ears, long eyelashes they are naturally dramatic. The spitting thing, along with a repertoire of other unusual behaviors, makes them perplexing and sometimes a bit scary in the begining. As a brand new llama owner, you wander out to the barn that first morning and feel as if you woke up in the movie "Planet of the Lamas".
Final Meal Requests...true!! We are getting closer to getting the halter on. Listen closely to the movie and you can hear Aries gently blow into the camera. Llamas will lightly blow into your face to get to know you. Strange. They are indeed weird. Click pic for video