I am in Atlanta back from Hampton VA. It looks like I might need a new computer. The keys aren't always working so well. I plan on being in Atlanta mostly for the next couple of weeks. I do have a trip up North in there. Then it is back to Europe for a couple of weeks. With my new watch I can measure cabin pressures in commercial airlines. Here are some of the pressures I have measured on some recent trips. 7228 ft. Airbus 320 6913 ft. Airbus 320 6850 ft. CRJ700 5200 ft. CRJ700 5200 ft. CRJ200 4000 ft. CRJ200 3652 ft. CRJ200 6168 ft. Airbus 330 7136 ft. Folkker 100 3832 ft. 767-400 6526 ft. MD88 6135 ft. MD88 There is a pic of my senior management team from 3 continents, 7 countries with operational responsibilities in at least 12 countries.