Just a few weeks ago I was telling a friend that I would never go for a ride in an old Ford Tri-motor. Today I did just that. I decided to go down to the Gwinnett county airport and bum around. The pilot's lounges are nice, people are friendly and it sure beats sitting around. Unknown to me the EAA's Ford Trimotor was there offering rides at the airport today. No waits; no hassle.
I also met some ham radio operators giving an HF demonstration. They got a big kick out of my former callsigns, KC4AAA and KC4USV.
I just couldn't resist going for a ride. My only regret was not jumping at the opportunity to sit in the right seat. The slight hesitation cost me the opportunity. The plane was built in 1929, has (3) 450 HP radial engines and cruises at 87 knots. The pilot's window was open the whole flight. There is a lot more legroom than there is today's airliners! The plane only holds 9 passengers.
