I am in Atlanta. That I am sure of. I read "Adaptive Leadership" (I read one to two business books a year) on the flight.

I also got my car back from the paint shop. It looks good. Next I am getting some treatment for the wheels and the windows tinted. On the flight from Munich to Atlanta today (10 daylight hours) we flew North of Iceland (way North of Great Circle considerations) and across the middle of Greenland because of favorable winds. Amazing.

I remembered a story. At a previous employer, I got a phone call from the legal administrative assistant. She said "Your *Technical Journal* arrived in the mail down here by mistake. "I said, "OK." She said, "My boss said he is going to keep it, he wants to bone-up on this stuff." I said, "OK." In my retrospection, It really wasn't OK hijacking my mail. It is kind of a basic thing.

I have to check what time my flight is out of ATL tomorrow. I really do enjoy working for a global company.


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