Updates Storm and Other
We had a storm last night in Georgia just like the recent storms that have seemingly have covered the whole country. We lost power and I have been doing a 3 hour on- 3 hour off with the generator. I am definately prepared. Generator started up 2nd pull, plenty of gas and all the other stuff incluing supply chain readiness getting more gas, oil, etc. I like helping neighbors when things go wrong. I have my service truck, my large chainsaw and lots o' tools. I can be quite helpful. Someday (perhaps soon) we will be amazed that we have to have these noisy reciprocating gas engine generators. I like the quiet. I also like having electricity in the house
I think I am going to sell my IFR 1200S Service Monitor. Its a fantastic tool. Although they aren't the the newest, they are in great demand because they are incredibly versatile, durable and most of all- trustworthy. It will be on ebay.I am looking forward to Spring. I will be working on the humvee and boat and the property in NY.
A recent fortune cookie fortune.
A giant stuffed animal for Valentine's day. Giant for sure. She found it on deep sale. It needs its own room