Humvee and What Not

I did my biannual flight review that other day. I am good for 2 more years. I have lots of flight credit. I need to fly more. The big crate thing is what a new Lycoming airplane engine looks like in the box. I forget which plane gets the new engine this time.

My friend John and I are setting up the bandmill over at his son's farmette. They have some logs to chew up after we get the thing reassembled (again). Better than having it just sit around. Its all running but it needs attention on several areas.

The HMMWV (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) is registered, titled and on the road. I am chasing gremlins on it, but it gets around ok. Angie thinks its fun. We agreed it was a smarter purchase than a motorcycle. It definately is a truck, no need to slow down for speed bumps thats for sure. It is definately a head turner.


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