
Showing posts from November, 2012
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman
My kayak trip was awesome! So what happens when three restless boys want to do something exciting in Atlanta over the Thanksgiving holiday? Shoot the Hooch. Traverse the Chattahoochee river in grand style. We did it in a combination of couchsurfer, thrillseeker, and urban explorer (mostly Couchsurfer). We met for the first time last week. The participants, one from France (a recent MBA grad from Georgia Tech), one from California (a 20 something Mechanical Engineer) and me. We put in at the Buford Dam at Lake Lanier. We put in illegally since the park was closed. (I mean who would want to use a park on a holiday?) We parked illegally at both ends of the run (not sure of the reasons, but an accumulation of a $50 parking ticket). And, we camped illegally for two nights. So, let's add some danger with two beginner kayakers, and very fast water. It is very dangerous, at least one person has died in the Chattahoochee in the last year from swift water. The risks were fully assessed. This
I went flying on the spur of the moment today. I flew to Athens GA. The home of the Georgia Bulldawgs and the Band B-52s. Just missed a hawk by about 5 feet. They were looking for me today at several points. One of the prices you have to pay for calm winds. They are beautiful birds, just stay out of my way. I like you too. My propeller will not play with you the way you want. The kayaks on my truck is a good portend of impending adventure. I will be back in a few days. Adventure is everywhere. I am getting much better at finding safe adventure. I had my first fire in my new house. I have about a face cord of wood. I used 11 face cords in NY and a lot of coal each year. Here I am using some wood and some gas.
The best advice anyone can ever give (when it is delivered in an even productive tone): "Do what you need to do." --Charles Dowdell
Nothing happened this week, absolutely nothing. It was amazing.

Stellar Axis Art Project in Antarctica (Revisited)

I just stumbled on this film (Stellar Axis link below) about an art project that I was involved with in Antarctica on the Solstice 2006. It was a moving experience watching the video for me. It really took me back there for an hour. Lita Albuquerque and I connected at some level when we met. I was one of the 51 volunteers at the end in the spiral. We rode out from McMurdo on "Ivan the Terrabus", (the only time I rode in Ivan). It probably took an hour to drive there out on the shelf. My memory of the participation was one of peace. When we started walking away from the center we were all quiet and the walking got a little awkward since all the stepping turned the ice shelf into irregular masses of granular snow and the hard bits of wind hardened shelf. At the end we all lied down and outstretched our arms. After a bit we started yelling "woos and woo-hoos" and such. There was laughter and good feelings. Stellar
The weather has been perfect in Atlanta in the wake of hurricane Sandy. There was no damage on the farm. Bad weather is pretty much normal there. The floods over the last two years will be hard to top in the area near Binghamton, NY. I went flying Saturday. It was quite nice. It was almost ideal conditions. I cant help but take pictures of car wrecks around Atlanta. There is a lot of them. A lot of cars, a lot of wrecks. I was planning on climbing Brasstown Bald (highest elevation in GA) today by myself, but I decided I should probably work on the house instead. The pic of the airport is my home airport KLZU. I snapped this pic being 5 miles out, 3000 ft and cleared for a straight-in approach for Runway 25.