Harrison Ford: I have 8 planes, 1 woman
By Ruben V. Nepales
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 16:53:00 03/07/2010
Filed Under: Celebrities, Cinema, Entertainment (general), planes
LOS ANGELES – Actor-pilot Harrison Ford, asked in our recent interview about how many planes he has, answered with his trademark lopsided grin: “I have one woman but I have eight aeroplanes. The planes have different purposes and the skills required to fly them are different in each case. I’ve always been interested in this continual process of learning and perfecting skills.”
Harrison, who can be terse at interviews, was in a good mood in this chat
. When a colleague prefaced his question with, “You play a cranky scientist in ‘Extraordinary Measures’ and a cranky TV news anchorman in ‘Morning Glory,’” the actor with the gruff reputation playfully interrupted and quipped to laughter, “Yeah, what about it? Are you getting to something? What’s your point?”
Rituals versus Routines
Confucious impressed on us the importantance of ritual. The modern world demands our attention more and more. The external grabs of attention continue to expand and our time is very finite. We cope with our limited attention by shorthanding, by repeating what we can do over time, hours, minutes, days and years. Although the words ritual and routine are quite different. Maybe the concept is the same.