The recent news of the Swine Flu is a bit suspicious. I think there is a possibility that the news outbreak is a means to refocus attention of the Americans away from the recovering economy. I mean, it is especially suspect when I hear a public service message from the CDC recommending that you keep extra food and supplies on hand in case of a wider outbreak. Give me a break. A couple weeks worth of food will only stimulate the economy. It will not help you out in the event of a pandemic. If you think the Federal Govt. does not manipulate the news think again. I suspect more people in the US were killed by Lightning in the last couple of months rather than the Swine Flu. Don't believe everything you hear. All the world's a stage.
Winter in Georgia
We had some snow. It wasn't as bad as Florida or the Gulf coast. It is still a novelty when we get snow that lasts for a couple of days or more. I have absolutely no issue driving in it having spent most my life in Upstate NY, but the other drivers are another story. We are prepared here not to have to go out anyhow. I took a couple of pics of where the milk and bread was supposed to be in the grocery store before the storm hit. Just a toilet. However, it is the first one I have put in that works lower that the sewer line. It pumps up. Works good. It was a long time coming with all the other projects I have in flight.