I went to my first Berkshire Town Planning Board Meeting last night. There are four of us on the board and our role is to help the town board with recommended legislation and other efforts to improve the town. We don't meet that often (once a month), but we agreed that we will communicate via e-mail over the summer.
My friend Pete called yesterday from I 81 near Scranton. He was twisting up the differential on his pickup while trailering his camper. The differential was making a lot of noise and he had just got some work done to it. Luckily, the camper and truck made it to whitney point. I agreed to pull the trailer with my truck to Rochester for him to lighten the load on his truck. It was a large camper, about 28 feet and 8000 lbs. My truck felt it was pulling something that's for sure. It was a different experience. We got home after midnight.