We rented a car to drive around SoCal this weekend. With 460 HP and a 10 speed paddle-shifter, the Mustang GT was definitely a good car to rip around the desert. I am glad I didn't get stopped for speeding, because at times I think they put you in jail for how much I was over the limit. We did pick up some bugs (I am told they were butterflies) and we did have to go through border control checkpoints a couple of times. We went to Anzo-Borrego and the Salton Sea which is a post-apocalyptic desert community. The sea (lake) has become so polluted and depleted. The fish can no longer live there. It was pretty interesting. The palm trees are dying, and the housing has disappeared or has become rundown. Since we were already in the groove for alt- post apocalypse scenes we also went to visit Slab City.
Winter in Georgia
We had some snow. It wasn't as bad as Florida or the Gulf coast. It is still a novelty when we get snow that lasts for a couple of days or more. I have absolutely no issue driving in it having spent most my life in Upstate NY, but the other drivers are another story. We are prepared here not to have to go out anyhow. I took a couple of pics of where the milk and bread was supposed to be in the grocery store before the storm hit. Just a toilet. However, it is the first one I have put in that works lower that the sewer line. It pumps up. Works good. It was a long time coming with all the other projects I have in flight.