Ms. Hochul,

I see in the news you were in my home country (Tioga). And that you were there to investigate improvements in the economy.

Your time in my county, is one of the most inflammatory political visits in Upstate in modern time.

Currently, I reside in Duluth GA and enjoy my life here, but almost every week I meet someone who has moved from Upstate New York State to Atlanta. These are hardworking folks who know how to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Like me, they are well traveled, educated, and entrepreneurial.
Like many of these former Upper New Yorkers, I continue to be disgusted about having to leave my property, my ancestors’ and their graves (I am a Mayflower descendant). I miss New York although I have no family there any longer. They have all moved.

The Marcellus Shale Gas available in Tioga county NY State is a God sent recipe for the economic development in Upstate NY. I find it unfathomable that drilling permits are continued to be disallowed.
My county supports drilling, my town supports drilling, there is no water shed impact on NYC, there is nothing preventing us, but your tyrannical policy.
The only reason for preventing SOME economic relief could be is that you and your political allies want to prevent prosperity in opposition parties in Upstate, since land owners in Upstate are Republicans.

I own a farm in Berkshire, and I won't hurt my land, or pollute the water, or damage my neighbors’ property. Upstate New Yorkers, really lack for the money to afford the basics of life, medical care, housing, heat, food, our children’s education, and other daily living needs. The stimulus that this gas opportunity brings is almost immeasurable.
I would be happy to meet with you at any time and at your convenience. I will show you first hand the poverty in Tioga county. I suspect you will continue to hide in the shadows and not even provide the common courtesy of a reply or better yet, an open ear and heart.

Please do what you can to give us folks Upstate a break - Please consider yourself in a situation as a multigenerational New Yorker that has become an economic refugee based on your decisions.


Charles Dowdell


Anonymous said…
Of course she hid, and continues to hide along with the Cuomos. Not even a form letter reply.

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