I realized this morning I haven't blogged in a coon's age (whatever that means). I am finishing up a week long meeting in Vianen Netherlands. Today, Friday, I will be in Utrecht Netherlands all day. We went to a DITA XML conference that was held in the same buildings as where Rene Descartes philosophized. Great place for discussion in the formative years of the semantic web language. The Dutch people have been fun to learn about and it has been a very productive trip. I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed in Atlanta Saturday night. I expect to sleep for many hours. Its not that my bed here in Europe isn't comfy, there is just something special about your familiar home bed. I expect to close on my new house in a few weeks. There are so many foreclosed properties on the market it slows down the processes of selling bank owned properties.

I am looking forward to getting the work done to the house and living on a lake.

I got to use Atlanta's new international air terminal. There are now 7 passenger terminals now at ATL. It is shiny and new for sure.

The vehicle in the pic is a Dutch "melkwagen" or milk truck. It was built in 1974 (yes that recent). It is 16 HP and is a economical tool used to get milk to market by farmers. It was pretty cool.


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