DJ got the go ahead to open! So Little Hen Specialty Bakery is having the Grand Opening Saturday February 20th from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. She still has a lot of baking to do and odds and ends to catch up on.

Looking at the pictures it is exciting to see what she has done in 3 months. And after 30 years the Crockett House has become a store again, this time as a bakery with all the plumbing and everything.

Now the remodeling and renovation work morphs into the advertising and marketing work.


Todd Sheehan said…
Congratulations!! Now, the real work begins :)

A friend of mine makes Gluten Free Chocolate Chip cookies once in a while. They are fantastic and though she makes them for her son, I manage to steel some for myself. Much better than the regular CC cookies!

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