DJ's Bakery Project is coming along. The last time the store was run as a store was 1988. The building is known as the Crockett House in the town of Maine NY on NY 26. It was owned by a school teacher and the store sold dry goods and penny candy. She found a few artifacts such as post cards from the original owners of the house from the early 1900's. The local historic society was very pleased to receive them. She has taken at least ten truck loads of junk to the dump or scrap yard. There was no end there for a while. The initial goal is to get the equipment (ovens, sinks, display cases, stove, mixer, etc. in by the end of December. Testing and working out details, etc. will take all of January at least. She has a decent plan. She will be specializing in gluten free, sugar free stuff primarily. I think the gluten free stuff usually tastes better than the wheat based stuff, anyhow. She will be selling hot soup as well as homemade saspirilla. It is pretty interesting stuff. A lot of spreadsheets are involved.


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