
Showing posts from August, 2006
We are working through mounds of paper work to be able to deploy. Most of it is pretty clear but it is voluminous. I am still unsure at this point if I can keep my wisdom teeth. The dentist will set my fate. There is just a lot to do in a short time to get PQ'd to get to work in Antarctica. The following photo is from an accident about 2 1/2 hours plane ride from McMurdo in 1998. The c-130 hit a crevasse and twisted the craft into the chasm. I don't think anyone was hurt. Used without permission from
Bonnie and I ran down to Washington DC for the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking. We had a good time. We caught up with Jim Thompson for the event. We both noticed the overall quality of the speeches was even higher than last year. One of the rules is to have 2 minutes of silence in between speakers. This year I noticed that two minutes is not enough to get the last speaker out of your head. The speeches are all that good. Everyone of them moves you. Often times the speaker has you taking an emotional roller coaster with some unexpected twists. The guy who won second place has been trying to win, I think he said, for 28 years. This is as close as he got so far. After that we got right back to Berkshire. There is a lot to be done before winter. As part of the trip I had some more good conversation with someone that has been to the ice. I also got a book that was published this month on "How to Survive Antarctica". It was a super quick read. Thi
During the course of a day I often think of things that are blog worthy. It is tough to remember them just like it is tough to remember a dream. I remember when I was kid being labeled a day dreamer by my Mom. Actually, I like to consider it "thinking." I am excited about the adventure to be sure. I am looking at a stack of paperwork. It will take *US* a couple of hours to figure it out. I have a new laptop computer and a new camera ideally suited for terra incognita. I noticed the other day in my travels that a European geologist used some photos from one of the folks that had done my job a couple of years ago. I expect to be doing the same and getting some really good photos of stuff that matters. This is a more traditional representation of Antarctica. We even go as far as saying left is West Antarctica and the right is East Antarctica. I have purchased a few maps for the walls in Berkshire, NY. This map is used without permission from I
Word is getting out. I am headed to Antarctica this winter! I keep thinking about different musical ballads that seem appropriate. The Theme to the Beverly Hillbillies always seems pop into my head. However, I have not yet conjured the appropriate lyrics. The Ballad of Jed Clampett by Paul Henning - Beverly Hillbillies Lyrics Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed, Then one day he was shootin at some food, And up through the ground came a bubblin crude. Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea. Well the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire, Kinfolk said "Jed move away from there" Said "Californy is the place you ought to be" So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars. Well now its time to say good by to Jed and all his kin. And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in. You're all invited back a gain to this locality To h
Bonnie and I were making the usual visual survey of the back fields this evening after dinner. If nothing else, the exercise is relaxing. Tonight, we noticed something reflecting brightly. The binoculars revealed no clues so we decided to get in the jeep and head back there. I was doubtful that we would actually find what it was since our angle would change and so on. It was going to be like picking a needle out of a haystack. But we did find what was reflecting. It appears we have found the spot where kid’s balloons go after they let them go by mistake. They land on our farm. All you kids can now relax. The balloons are safe with us. We are in the land of lost balloons.
I spent a long weekend getting farm work done. G. Mills came down from Rochester. We spent quite a bit of time straightening the fence and getting each pole set with concrete. It was a lot of work and it is not done yet. The fence definitely looks better as the fence posts get straightened. Only the posts at the far edge have been set so far in this happy llama movie. (The movie is 8 Meg. You may want to skip it.) I have some very exciting plans for this winter.
Here is a link from the dry valleys. I understand that the dry valleys are set up as a hot spot in the summer. Technology civilizes things. Lake Vida Here is blog by an Antarctican Dishwasher Antarctican Dishwasher
I have all sorts of questions about Antarctica. Do I need to carry a wallet? What should I have in the wallet? Do they measure me for ECW or do I need to have my measurements and just try stuff on? What about the physical exam? The physical exam is my last real hurdle. Will I pass? I am scared thinking about it...but I am confident I am physically fit enought winter over, easy. My offical offer has not come in the mail yet. It is supposed to be here in the next couple of days with instructions. I am so excited. I am telling/asking work tommorow. The cats out of the bag soon. What is it like to have the sun up all the time, no nighttime, more importantly to sunrise or sunset. I do suspect McMurdo is just as they say, like a mining town and all that entails. What do I need to bring for clothes? What are the showers like? How is the food? How much of an opportunity is there to spend money? How cold will it feel? How windy will it be? How many places will I visit. How far from
I am learning how to use the new camera. Although the GUI for both the camera and download software seem somewhat unconventional it will come together. I never much enjoy learning a new GUI. It all seems like a waste and very fleeting, not to be useful long term. One of the nice features is the ability to pre-stitch photos together in the camera. Yesterday, I did firewood, car brakes, mower deck, organized/sort auction stuff, got supplies, and few other things. Bonnie, among other things, gathered a bunch of berries.
I bought a new digital camera. The thing has so many features. All I want is to be able to take some photos, jeepers. I ended up with a Canon SD 700is. I was looking for a small, hi res cammera. I will still be using the good old Sony Mavica but this one is a lot more mobile. It fits in a small pocket and with a 2 gig card I will be able to put hundreds or thousands of photos on it without screwing around. I ran in the corporate challenge the other night. I finished the 5k in 25:30. The cool thing was that I did not push my heart rate to maximum. Although it was not what you would call relaxing, it was not stressful. I am going to be getting my time down, but it is going to be a fair amount of work to do it. I think if I keep my work out routine consistant It will come. It just takes a while. The weather is supposed to be great this weekend. My list is long. The lawnmower mower deck is broken, the Bobcat tire has a hole, llama house needs leveling, the fence needs straightening, fi