Someone asked me the other day why I didn't properly edit my blog posts. I am not sure exactly. I am certainly capable. I can correct the grammar, spelling, tense and all the other maladies of the discourse. I guess it has to do with priorities. Folks can figure out the high points and I am not strapped to the 2 by 5 inch notepad-like text editing pane of a blogging window. Perhaps I am rationalizing laziness. Blogging has been fun for the last 6 years. I do regret however, missing the early years after moving to Greene. That was a tough time and a time of adjustment, a perfect time for blogging.

Unusual for me, I have a bit of a tickle in my throat this morning. I am taking it easy for a couple of hours with my neti pot, and tea with honey/lemon. I will be all set. Then I will be off looking for some photos to take.


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