I am buying a new truck. I am pretty close on figuring out which one. It will be a duramax diesel with the 5 speed allison automatic I know for sure. Where I am getting it from and whether I am getting the dump trailer is not so sure.

The class I am taking (Financial Management) is demanding. I am going to have to really knuckle down.

It has been as cold as 26 below zero the last few days around here. It hasn't got that cold at the house, but when I went into work the other day it was so cold your lungs hurt when you breathed in. The diesel starts fine if you remember to plug it in the night before. The llamas don't care for the cold. The heater keeps their house about 25 degrees warmer than the outside temp. These temps are tough on the animals no doubt. I know after last year I would never think of cold temperatures the same again. The animals are just at the mercy of their owners and the temperature.

We got one of the GE radios working on the desired frequency the other day! Duane is working on wiring up some more of them. I am thinking some some mods we may want to do at this milestone. I am planning on going to the Dayton hamvention this coming year. I have to start making arrangements.

I got new glasses. This is the first time I have had "progressive lenses" (bifocals). I am now a recovering presbyopia aflictee. It has been a huge help. I have been really struggling the past 6 months or so. I can see so much better now. I have had them one day and I feel I am almost totally used to the bizarre head movements you need to make to see things.

tomorrow I get on the roof to clean the chimney.


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