SU School of Architecture - Contact Main Page

I am looking to work with a student architect on our property redesign. Some things are obvious, some are not. Since the house is basically a box sticking out of the ground it is like a white canvas. The old house dictated a lot of how we could proceed. This one is all open. The elements we are looking at incorporating are:

  • Two or three car garage, preferably connected
  • Large porch for valley view, roofed
  • Deck for sunrise and coffee
  • Outside brickoven, incinerator
  • Carport
  • Some kind of circular driveway
  • Optimized valley view
  • New bath down stairs
  • Fireplace
  • New septic system location
  • Ponds
  • Outdoor water cistern
  • Improved drainage
  • Barn attachment, equipment shed
  • Curb appeal
  • Larger window in computer room, bay window
  • Improved plumbing and heating
  • Barn electrification
  • New roof
  • New southern elevation
  • Veneer rear existing chimney, or remove
  • Comments

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