SU School of Architecture - Contact Main Page
Two or three car garage, preferably connected
Large porch for valley view, roofed
Deck for sunrise and coffee
Outside brickoven, incinerator
Some kind of circular driveway
Optimized valley view
New bath down stairs
New septic system location
Outdoor water cistern
Improved drainage
Barn attachment, equipment shed
Curb appeal
Larger window in computer room, bay window
Improved plumbing and heating
Barn electrification
New roof
New southern elevation
Veneer rear existing chimney, or remove
I am looking to work with a student architect on our property redesign. Some things are obvious, some are not. Since the house is basically a box sticking out of the ground it is like a white canvas. The old house dictated a lot of how we could proceed. This one is all open. The elements we are looking at incorporating are: