
Showing posts from February, 2012
I knew I might out-do myself on this most recent trip. It has been a busy-busy trip and complicated. Thankfully, I really did not have any significant travel or meeting disruptions. I am currently in NY and headed back to ATL tonight. I have been away from Atlanta for 17 days. Although, I liked the bed in one of the hotels in Italy, I am looking forward to my favorite bed in Duluth. I am staying at Douglas and Becky's in Lisle NY. It has been pleasant. We have moved a lot off the farm into storage. It is good to see horses on the farm. There is nothing sadder than a farm without animals. The truck front right wheel bearing is about to totally fail. I have just a couple more trips to make today. I will need a little luck, but the contingencies are coming clear. Knock on wood, I can complete my mission with it today. Ian is shown wearing a carnavale mask from Venice Italy playing with his turtle flute from rural Argentina. Friday I had a productive meeting in Detroit with a ...
Did some driving around Southern Europe. Got to see Carenvale in Bassano Del Grappa, and a nasty traffic jam on the Autobahn.
Can your combine do this? (I mean if you had a combine). I am in Bassano del Grappa, Northern Italy.
I am at ATL waiting for my first leg of another whilwind trip to Europe and back. Headed to JFK first, then Venice Italy.
Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. --F. Scott Fitzgerald,American author Even on your gloomiest day it is bright and sunny just a few miles away. The trick is realizing those few miles are in a direction you hadn't previously considered, straight up. --Charles Dowdell
I am back in Atlanta. I made it into Heidelberg for a day. We met in the Heidelberg Print Media training facility on the top floor. It is a significant piece of architecture, no doubt. It could probably be considered a form of modern castle. It is the tallest building around. I had several notebooks I used for years that had an image of the facility and the Pegasus art on the cover. It was weird being there after being so familiar with my notebook image for years and years. I didn't get any time to doing anything touristy in Germany this trip. But, it was a productive trip. I will be back in other parts of Germany in two weeks. The blurry graphic is from a restaurant menu in Heidelberg. It seems to show a devil wheeling someone into a fireplace. How interesting.