I was woke up last night about 1:00 AM. There appeared to be a party going on in the room next door. It wasn't totally loud. There wasn't any banging on the walls or anything. But it did wake me up and I didn't really get back to sleep for the rest of the night. When I went down for breakfast I noticed a "do not disturb" sign on my neighbors door. I was thinking these folks don't need that. So, I took it with me.
Rituals versus Routines
Confucious impressed on us the importantance of ritual. The modern world demands our attention more and more. The external grabs of attention continue to expand and our time is very finite. We cope with our limited attention by shorthanding, by repeating what we can do over time, hours, minutes, days and years. Although the words ritual and routine are quite different. Maybe the concept is the same.