I might be on the news tonight. I spent the day in Albany protesting. Notice the self-erecting crane over the gov mansion. I haven't seen one of those in NY state in a long time. And the one I do see here is working on a govt building. It is tough to watch this continued decline in business in NY.
"Our Land, Our Rights, Our Future, Drill safely now! Yes Marcellus!" Get the facts. Don't fall for the lies that have been perpetuated by New York city extremists. Land owners do not want to damage their land.
You can feel Woody Guthrie and many others right there. I get upset with folks who just complain about Government. Do something! WE ARE the government!
Flooding in Maine NY today. This was Nanticoke Rd. about 8 miles from my house. This spring really may be terrible as far as flodding. The ground has been saturated. We will be lucky if we don't have severe flooding this spring.

Winston Churchill
— John Muir