
Showing posts from December, 2003
Emu Today...your source for Livestock, Meat, Research, Nutrition, Leather, Production & Marketing If you were ever curious about what an emu egg looks like, be curious no longer. Day grrow here..You never know what will show up in the rural areas of New York state.
Christmas Santa coal Everybody has an angle. I mean it sounds sort of snotty to say it that way, but it is true. We all take a different vantage point on the fundamental truths, hence angle. Once we agree on what a fundamental truth is, it gets distorted. I remember when I was a very young kid I had a revelation, or an inspiring moment, that I understood and stated the nature of a postulate; "To know is to articulate." I remember it vividly. I have no idea where it came from. It has followed me my whole life. Today, I am thinking that "To articulate is to bring question." There seems to be a strange juxtaposition between these two arguments. I find both to be true.
llamarama pg 2 I finished what I set out to do this weekend. I put new rear brakes on the car, made the llama heater llamaproof and installed it, cleaned my bench, got firewood and a few other things I am sure.
MiningLife - Current Metal Prices Hmm.. is it worthwhile to drive to Scranton PA for bulk coal? I have to get wood out back today snowstorm or not. Also on the list is rear brakes for the Subaru, try out the new llama heater, check the antifreeze on the jeep, burn the trash and some other stuff to be sure.
BKHoliday The above link is kinda fun. Sorry if It offends anyone at Burger King or anyone else.
Led:Untitled: Led's Llamas Business Plan Good Link! However, I find the references to eating llamas repugnant. Below you can see the llama curtain I built. I bought the plastic strips in a roll and fashioned this loading dock door for the llamas. Aries did a llama dance in the pen after he figured out the curtain was passable and kept the family warm. I am installing a very small radient propane heater in the llama house. It will be just enough, I hope, to keep their water liquid. I figure that is the cheapest way of de-icing and helping my llama buddies out on these cold nights.
Center for Information-Development Management I have been a a workshop for the past couple of days in Rochester. It was titled "Content Managemant Strategies". It was pretty good. The workshop was presented by the Author "JoAnn Hackos". I learned some stuff and it was worthwhile. It is interesesting to hear the same stuff from other Publications managers. Some of these folks have some huge departments.