
Showing posts from July, 2020
We got a new internet provider. Its pretty fast. It took me quite awhile to get the fridge, irrigation System, TVs, and ALL the other devices moved over. Networking problems are a huge time vampire to me. Its not like I feel like I am done with network configurations. It is a matter of getting the basics working and moving on.
Summer finally started in Duluth. It is late this year. It was a hundred degrees with humidity nearly that high. We did a little canoeing and went to see some friends. I fixed up my office Zoom Room a little bit. I have more plans for the office Zoom Room . The irrigation system that brings water from the lake is working well. The lake water is so rich with nutrients. Fish west and Fish east are together. They didn't even know about each other. Fish west has a totally new battery. I took advantage of the California battery replacement rebate. Unlike a lot of EVs, the Nissan leaf battery (although expensive) is fairly easy to replace. You can tell the cars apart by color. Fish West (California) is "Starship pearl white". Fish East (Georgia) is "Toilet white".
I definitely have too many projects open. I am trying to focus on completing some so I can get back to the mundane ones of fixing tools and such. I made a rig to tow my canoe. The self-impossed rule is that I have to use stuff I already own, no trips to the store. It was good to get the MIG welder some use. Rev A worked fine. A few tweaks here are there and we will ride bikes (and canoe) over to the other neighborhood lake.
We are back from our trip up-north. The farm is good. We drove 2200 miles in 4.5 days. The trailer was loaded the whole time.
Angie is now a US Citizen!