
Showing posts from July, 2005 Not much else to say on this one. I read something very inspirational a while back. It said, "Read something inspirational everyday." Trite but right. The nice thing about inspirational reading is that it is such an open genre. It really is not a genre at all. "Inspirational" cannot be classified in a hierarchy, but only in a faceted classification scheme. Inspirational to one person is not inspirational to another. The material must "fit" and resonate to inspire. Technical writings can inspire as well as spirtual writings. It depends on the mission and context of the reader. It is Saturday morning and I am working on the list. It is cool in the house as the windows were all open last night. I am drinking my weekend coffee.
These pics are from a llama walk a couple of weeks back. We have been eating a fair amount of our own food lately. We get eggs from the chickens (about 4 a day). We still have some pork in the freezer. Now we are getting lettuce, zuchini and green peppers from the garden. Bonnie has been picking a lot of berries too. We have had several awesome fruit salads with our own blueberries and raspberries. The stuff we grow and raise at home tastes so much better, even lettuce. I went to a few auctions this weekend. I probably spent too much, but I had a good time. I also have some regrets on a couple of items I did not bid on. I ended up with: Three antique seltzer bottles Some junk, I mean real junk mixed in with some good stuff (cheaper than a dumpster) A pressure washer that uses compressed air and a water hose (works ok) A kerosene lantern I very nice soup tureen that Bonnie does not like. (I am going to have to move it on ebay) I am probably forgeting something. My fathe
The garden looks nice and we are taking zuchini out of it today. I am looking at windmills. I recently obtained a bunch of 180 VDC motors that I think may be just the ticket. I am looking at propellers now. They are not that much money these days, made of plastic. They appear to be durable. I am looking at ones about 7 foot in diameter. I read an interesting article on testing your windmill on the front of a car. Seems like a natural job for the jeep.
This was my Sunday morning walk. So much to do. So much not to do. Click pic for video Click pic for video
Tioga Had a rough night last week. This is a movie of tioga as we left for work. He stays out all night and then I let him inside in the morning. He tucks himself in the bed. There is a lot of stuff going on that is for sure. I have to catch up on the pics and posts. It is kind of rainy today. I did mow a couple of acres in the rain. The windshield wipers worked well. It is great to look back to the back pasture and see alternating strips where I mowed and plucked out the Mutifloral roses. It is a pasture on the comeback. Duane and I were thinking about what the original farmers would think as they see their pastures go wild. They didn't have the same tools to create them that we have today. I have a lot of computer work to do today. BAH. I like this article in New Scientist. A turn to focus on technology in the last 100 years may have lead us to a slowing of true inovations. That fits with my understanding of how drug research is done. A market is developed/identified first before research is started on a compound. Sometimes drugs that can be developed fairly easily are not developed because the market is not that large. I guess what I am saying is that the economics tied to innovation is technology. Science is not tied to either, unless it is directed as such. I am sore this morning from my work yesterday. I moved a lot of trees and rocks. I have to get at it again in a couple of minutes.